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About Us

The RTIG is established in 1979 by The Gujarat State as Service Institute and is the first of its kind in country. Registered under Society Registration Act 1860 and Bombay public Trust Act. 1950. Under the restructuring policy of Boards and Corporatios, Gujarat Matikam Kalkari Board is merged in Rural Technology Institute vide Industries & Mines Department GR No. IAF-1490-243-KH1 dt. 12-08-2008. After the merger of Gujarat Matikam Kalakari Board in Rural Technology Institute now the Institute is renamed as "Gujarat Matikam Kalakari & Rural Technology Sansthan". The endeavor of the Institute is to coordinate the efforts to promote the concept of appropriate Technology for the Rural Development in general and for the benefit of rural artisans and cottage Industries in particular.

Mission Statement

"Up gradation of Technology and Skill of artisans in the cottage and Rural Industries sector so as to improve efficiency, productivity and income level of the artisans"


The main objective of the Institute is to examine the technology being used by the artisans engaged in Cottage and Rural Industries. It also aims to identify and develop Appropriate Technology and get it accepted and adopted by the rural artisans with the help of dissemination of information, propaganda and extension work through various mass media of communications. However, more specific objectives are enumerated as follows: -

  • To examine the status of technology to assess its employment potential.
  • To identify Appropriate Technologies and transfer through various media of communications.
  • To monitor the on-going R&D in technology and test its application and suitability to local conditions.
  • To organize skill development and skill up gradation programme.
  • To undertake pilot projects of proven but untried technology.
  • To introduce more remunerative new economic activities.
  • To promote the concept of Appropriate Technologies among the Technocrats, Professionals and Academic Institutions and at the policy level in Government and Non-Government organizations.
  • To implement Potter's Tools/Machine Assistance and Energy Efficient Kiln scheme.
  • To execute cluster development scheme.
  • Works as cluster mamangement technical agency(CMTA) for CBDC scheme.